Duo - Leap Motion
DUO: The World's First DIY 3D Sensor....http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/codelabs/duo-the-worlds-first-diy-3d-sensor
delivery to first round pre-orders just delayed a month - waiting waiting!
If you get this little beast and wants some help interfacing it to Isadora, post here. I'm curious about this myself.
Best Wishes,Mark -
I have the intel camera http://click.intel.com/intelsdk/Creative_Interactive_Gesture_Camera_Developer_Kit-P2061.aspx - aimed at close up interaction like the leapmotion. The sdk comes with processing and openframework examples, so have knocked up basic osc forwarding examples so far, am planning to spend more time on it over the summer.
They only work on windows for now, but the sdk is very open, with low level data available.They did a round of competition where they lent out the cameras, and I think will be doing another one. More details here https://perceptualchallenge.intel.com/#Been mostly using the fingertip detection it does so far. -
The funding was unsuccessful so I don't know what will happen now.
I've not seen the intel camera nick. Will check it out now.