[SOLVED by 3.0.8] Stage Output Remains Black when Running Isadora 3.0.7 on Big Sur
[March 15, 2021: Isadora 3.0.8, which is compatible with Big Sur, has been released.]
Re: [Is there someone living in Amsterdam who could help out with our installation?](/topic/7238/is-there-someone-living-in-amsterdam-who-could-help-out-with-our-installation)
Or actually online help is also great:When I start a video in Isadora and want to see the stage output, it remains black. I checked intensity, stage settings, etc. does anybody perhaps know what I am missing?
Yes, this is due to the version of Isadora not being compatible with Big Sur.
We expect to have a release out soon that addresses this issue.
In the meantime I have helped Erin directly via the Support System. -