[ANSWERED] Pixi Cam 2
Hi Izzi community.
I've got a very straight forward question, I am trying to connect a Pixy Cam 2 to Isadora. I downloaded blackmagic but it is not working, is there any hardware, drive I should install to getting running?
@ferney said:
Pixy Cam 2
The pixy cam does not have a webcam style driver for desktop operating systems. The easiest way to use it as a camera would be to use it with a raspberry pi and then send the video data over the network. This requires some programming. The whole idea of the pixy cam is that it has some on board processing that can already do things like colour or object tracking. A more supported workflow would be to use the pixycam to perform some kind of tracking and send the results (maybe object corrdinates) to Isadora via some other protocol like OSC. You can write simple software for the pixcam for raspberry pi using python that can send some data to Isadora.
Thanks for you answer Fred, I've used the camera with an Arduino Uno. I will give it a go. I will post the results and further questions. Once again, thanks.