[ANSWERED] Getting AUSoundInput into Sound Frequency Bands Actor
I want to pull some audio from a different interface using AUSoundInput and send that off to the Sound Frequency Bands actor. I can't figure out a way to get the audio from the AudioUnit domain back into Isadora. Is there a way to do this?
Using a virtual sound device such as Blackhole or Loopback Audio that allows pass-thru, you can do this. In the following example, I use Loopback Audio to route audio from a web stream (Soundcloud) as a Live Capture Input (setup using the Live Capture Settings dialog window) with Sound Frequency Analysis checked. Sound Frequency Analysis appears to use a mono channel from the stereo stream without premix (although this point needs to be verified).
Best Wishes
@bonemap Thank you for responding to @huslage on this. We are working on the same project, and the end goal is to have individual inputs on 8 channels. We are getting fancy things like Drums and Kick separated out. This allows us to do some fun visual things with the sound as I am sure you can imagine. Since we are limited to 4 inputs I am trying to figure out a way to pull in these 4 stereo channels and then pan them separate out the 8 channels. Any way to do this?
There is no problem panning your inputs using the AU Matrix Mixer. However, you will not be able to achieve frequency analysis on 8 channels of audio as you can see the inputs are currently limited to 4 and audio analysis is done as a mono track (I believe it is the first channel of a multi-channel track). There is currently no way to select the channel to be analysed from a multi-channel audio track.
Best Wishes