[ANSWERED] Check for supported codecs before allowing import
Isadora frequently crashes with a grey screen and request to send an error report to microsoft. Or it hangs indefinitely and locks up. The cause is always the same. I gather a lot of different types of video and if I try to import a file with an unknown codec this happens and I can lose my work. Isn't it possible to just check to see if the file is importable before going ahead and allowing itself to crash?
I suspect the issue is deeper than just unsupported codecs. Isadora does scan the media to ensure file type and codec support, but unusual variations may cause issues. I have seen this mostly with downloaded media from archives etc..
My guess is h.264 and/or MP4 files are at the root. These can have a nearly limitless mix of meta data, audio codecs, and compression variations.
Playback will be more reliable/predictable if you ensure media is matching. I recommend processing your files with Shutter Encoder in batches before import. This will ensure you have consistency. https://www.shutterencoder.com...
AMIA (The Association of Moving Image Archivists) are offering an online webinar ($40) on Tuesday for how to use Shutter Encoder - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i...
I am so glad someone made a tool like this (and free!!). i had a liitle play and it looks like very powerful though I definitely feel like I need a walkthrough the interface