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How To... ?
Looking for help realizing your creative ideas using Isadora? This is the place to ask the community for advice. Note that topics related to bug reports and technical issues should be posted in the Isadora Troubleshooting forum!
Troubleshooting and Bug Reports
Are you having technical problems with Isadora? Having trouble with performance or crashes? Think you might have found a bug? Post here to get advice from top Isadora gurus and our Technical Support Team!
Hardware, Interfacing, and Third-Party Software
Looking for advice on the right computer or projector? Found a nifty piece of third party software? Talk about it here!
HardwareInterfacingThird Party Software -
Do you want to show off your recent work using Isadora? Attending or hosting an upcoming Isadora-related event you’d like to share with the community? Looking to hire an Isadora expert? Post your announcement to the community here!
ShowcaseEventsJob Opportunities -
Off-Topic Discussion
Discussions of general interest to the Isadora community that don’t fit anywhere else.