crash with macro and user actor
I am on windows10 with GTX 1060 and Isadora 2.6.1. I am using Isadora since a lot of years and now, I can't create a macro or user actor....Isadora crash systematically when I open a new macro or user actor.... ???????????....any ideas
systematically when
Same problem with my olds user actor.....I can't work
Do you have an error if you open an empty patch and add a new user actor to it?
Or are you errors related to opening existing useractors in 2.6.1? -
hello Dusx,
....the both with user actor and macro in an empty patch and add a new - and with the existing user actors.
I have delete the preference, same crash. I have reinstall Isadora, same crash.
So I have send a bug report after a crash.
RESOLVE....and for all the MSI computer user : when I double click with a finger on the touchpad to open the actor user, it crash.....but when I double click on the button (like a mouse), it work.....just crazy.....
- 17 days later
Unsure, memory is failing me here.
Please create one, and assign it to me. I recently gained access to a new touchscreen PC that may allow me to reproduce this. -
isadora" class="redactor-linkify-object">">i... crash from Mr" class="redactor-linkify-object">"... U. on Vimeo.
Here is an exemple of the crash....sorry for my poor English