[Known Issue] - Movie Player position not ending at 100
Hello, hello,
I again have an issue with the position value off the movie player actor in no loop mode.
The position output never reaches the 100 percent, though it shows the last existing frame. It always stops at 99,9something.
If I put the speed to 0 and move the position by hand (scratching) to the last frame, it often stops even much earlier.
I'm not really sure, if the last point is maybe an CPU speed issue. But still it never reaches the 100!Is this wanted?
But beside that, I was really impressed about how clean Isadora played the mp4, 25frames test video even with a speed of only 0.01 (yes ,0!1). I tested with a SMPT timecode video, to see if the last frame is shown anyway. But maybe the 10 min video was not long enough to show any issues. I'l try it with a longer one tomorrow, maybe.
Dill -
thank-you for the report. This issue has recently been reported, and is in our bug list.
If you are triggering events, try to use the end trigger rather than a 100 test.