[ANSWERED+LOGGED] Create Project Package option ...
I always try to maintain the good practices about workflow, separate all the media on the best place, nomenclatures, versions, etcetera. But sometimes I have not much control when the creative process turns more dynamic that my ability to get all the things in place.
Adobe Indesign has the capability to create a Package. One action to consolidate one file with all the media linked to the main project. That's a grate assets to build a file to share or move to a project without missing important files that could not be correctly organized.
What do you think? Could it be possible to integrate on future releases?
QLab has a similar thing. I would love this !! and the ability to remove unused media.....
i always miss this feature!
@loquellega I agree completely.
@citizenjoe said:
the ability to remove unused media.
I love this idea almost as much as I love cats, and I *REALLY* love cats. But in all seriousness, I do really miss this when I'm working in Isadora and not QLab.
Indeed. This was a feature request I made a couple of years ago!
https://community.troikatronix... -
I was just thinking that too yesterday while I was trying to migrate 4.7 terabytes of video data to a new hard drive.