actor massive x
Hi mark,
sorry to bother you !!
I was taking a look at the "Massive" and "MassiveX" audio audios.
I was unable to investigate ...
how and what should i set from ableton to isadora?
Thanks for your attention
best wishes
Giampiero Cinquepalmi
@dako-ark said:
I was taking a look at the "Massive" and "MassiveX" audio audios.
I've never heard of either. A google search led me to the native-instruments synth? Is that what you mean?
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Yes these are the Native Instruments synths.
@dako-ark said:
how and what should i set from ableton to isadora?
What are you trying to do? To route audio from one to the other? Or to route MIDI?
We need more information to try to answer your question.
Best Wishes,