[ANSWERED] controlling virtual stage
Hi again,So, I am trying to work with a virtual stage controlling some videos in the background (for making a 3d Sphere that I can make fades on through stages) it so far seems to kinda work. Now, is there a way to controll when the videos begin from stage to stage? I mean, I want to start a new stage but I would like the virtual stage to be the video - and I would like it to start from the beginning. Should I make 2 virtual stages and then reactivate the stage I need to use when it is mixing the videos or how to do that? I dont know if that makes sense? With other words is there a way to controll things happening in the virtual stage like e.g. when to start the video if I want to use it for a smooth video fade?
Ideas are welcome.
All the best
Eva -
Not entirely sure I understand what you are trying to do based on your description, but hopefully one of these three crossfade methods will be useful to you.
Here's a revised version that incorporates restarting videos at the start of crossfades: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zgbnwx2x07tvqepq370oi/Virtual-Stage-Crossfades-v2-2024-03-14-3.2.6.zip?rlkey=rcaqgtwtksevbk2d2wv9h031y&dl=0
Also this file of mine shows a few different ways to do crossfades with video that you might be able to recycle: https://troikatronix.com/add-ons/random-media-random-duration/
Hi @woland
So, my question is, if I have multiple video actors in a stage running in the background, that I have activated through the "activate scene"-actor, is there then a way to controll that scene, concretely when the videos start if I am running a show in another scene?
I can try and post an example. -
@eva said:
if I have multiple video actors in a stage running in the background, that I have activated through the "activate scene"-actor, is there then a way to controll that scene, concretely when the videos start if I am running a show in another scene?
FILE DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/hx3x0pq568up5muyekw8o/h?rlkey=rxqp3wxznkcprjveetmx07hvj&dl=0
"Control" Scene
Background Scene