Stage configuration
dear All
I have an issue with one of my stages going to my beamers being dull
Is there a way I can brighten up stage so all images are a bit brighter.?
this issue could be elsewhere in the chain - I don't know if you are on Mac or Windows. On Mac, it is possible to calibrate the Display Settings to compensate for different beamers.
within Izzy, a quick hack to increase brightness of a particular stage is to run 2 Projector actors from the same feed, set to the same stage. this gives an additive blend which may work, depending on what your imagery is. -
@tr742 I must say this doesn't sound like an Isadora problem. This sounds like a signal flow or hardware problem. Or a projector with a high lamp life or a different setting.
If it is in Isadora it can only be the Intensity of the projector. An effect (such as desaturate, or similar) or perhaps a layer issue which sometimes can happen with IzzyMap and you change the layer opacity on the slices. -
If you integrate this into your workflow, you can bump up the brightness across the board in Isadora using this Global HSL setup I threw together a few years ago: