Motion Control Particles (e-motion software)
@ particlep sorry only saw your post today, I just to receive comments via e-mail, not any more... eMotion finder-info says .6 period. It's also has many bugs unfortunately, the cursor is disappearing often, etc. Would be nice if Adrien would answer you and if he could progress in this very promising software (and provide a manual...)
@bruper i've been waiting for a reply before adding another comment. it's nearly break time so a quick addition, i too get the disappearing cursor thing. my feeling is that version .6 available is a work in progress that is way behind the version used for the shows as seen on vimeo.
it is an exciting application and one that i expect i'll continue to dabble with until such time as a version is released that is usable in a show situation.once i got past the initial how to see an output, i found version .6 fairly logical in it's layout and rapidly got myself to places in which i was seeing control able results.i think it's another situation where we have a contrast to the excellent work and support done by mark and his close team with isadora. -
yeap, thanks Mark and close team!
About eMotion, I agree with your feeling about version .6.
I was experimenting in the first part of my interactive creative research here in Unicamp, Brazil in the past days, also with people (from NICS) that are used to programming in general (something I'm not good at)...
I/we where unable to get wii or osc to interact behind the basic with it, I would love to be able to "click" (twice) in the render window, and animate from the remote stage weather with pen, particles or motion...
instate of having to deal with the fact that eMotion wants to stay in top of all other application don't matter what and that every minute or so you have to click on the upper part of the mac window to retake view.control of your mouse.
Did you have better achievement?
It seems to me that at least part of the beautiful videos I saw from Adrien are not "interactive live" but pre-recorded projected videos, am I wrong? -
my experiences of emotion mirror your experiences. i did get osc data from isadora, however it is very restrictive in it's implimentation in to your theory about the videos being pre-recorded...interesting. something i'd not directly thought about... maybe we'll hear from adrien about it all ...time will tell.happy new year. -
As far as I recall (I have been checking on eMotion for some years) Adrien do not use this app per-se for his projects. It is just one version of the custom software he uses given to general public. Maybe to chew on or be inspired by.
When I first saw his work and learned about the eMotion I was very exited to get that tool to fill my needs. But I never got anywhere with it and since then I have become happy with Isadora, OSCulator, Junxion and shifted my focus accordingly. -
@vanakaru thanks for mentioning junxion. jamie introduced it in a workshop and i"ve so forgotten to look at it further.
Junxion is very powerful sensor(HID, camera, Wii, Arduino, audio OSC) to MIDI and OSC converter. There are video tutorials to most basics. Great fun!
happy new year to all from the Amazon forest,
don't know junxion but I'm already searching for it, connection permitting.... - -
hi folks, i came up with a few nice motion controlled particle systems for the final show, i wil share the patch and explain a bit of it tonight if anyone is interested still.
i am, sorry i"ve been off with a girl discussing an essay, only now seen your post.
Yes, very interested. -
Anyone ever used Plask? be a good alternative to eMotion? Seems to be a lot more documentation on Plask than eMotion that's all as not many of seem to be getting anywhere fast with it. -
@Skulpture thank you for sharing about plask. it's new to me. maybe if i get snowed in over the weekend i can use the time to catch up with all the new info :)
here is the particle system i ended up with, it's kind of messy. you should load in a movie and a .png for the paticles of your choice and of course you have to turn on video input, i hope this helps someone
Dear Patrick,
I think you forgot to attach the patch.Best Wishes,Mark -
it never uploaded last night! darn interwebs. 05c733-particlesystem-5.izz
Dear Colleagues,
I search a solution to make emotion working with isadora from several years. I had somme success with OSC to modify some parameters as "oscillation" or "gravity" in emotion from isadora but i never succeeded with "animation tool". It seems that tuio messages coming from isadora are not recognized by emotion.
After a look on messages sended by reactivision, i succeed tonight. If some of you are looking for the solution, this is how i did :First, i created the patch in isadora.
I wrote a patch in PureData wich receive informations from isadora and format for tuio protocol.
Launch Emotion. Create a particle grid (experimetal/FX => create textured particle). Show tuio tool (tools=>tuio) and mouve mouse on a stage in isadora (it works with mouse, so it could work with everything else with x/y coordinates). The data should be recognized. Click the checkbox on tuio tool in emotion and affect the datas to "animation".
All the files are attached. A video can be seen here : Wishes
This is very interesting. Good investigation.Could you post the rest of the files(better if you zip all of them).