Wearable Inertial motion sensors
@dbini: That's what I am getting when there is no kinect connected to the computer and xcode is telling me that device is not found. We'll have to wait for my device to come home to test it further.
-8 -
John, i was not looking at the post for a few days, I have not being doing anything any-more with RAM, waiting to see if a friend that could help would pass by (from 100 Km away) on Thursday evening. The only thing I'm able to get is the multiple data from RAM OSC to Izzy...
@eight I also could only get a grey screen from your file. Any way I suppose you need to create a new dance actor on RAM to be able to link it on incoming OSC control, correct?
We compiled the empty example, but it gave us errors in the LIBRAM.a compilation.
We tried to compile the libram, but it continued with errors... I wrote them asking for help... -
After some trial + error I managed to get the examples to compile. Don't forget to patch the ofxUI + checkout the submodules as detailed at the bottom of the 'how to setup' page.
This is a really nice tool + would be great to add a syphon outlet to it if there's a OF guru out there who's up to coding it? -
@bruper –– I got my kinect back and see that the app I compiled does not see it. I am removing that attachement. At the moment I am modifying my own application to send kinect skeleton to RAM Dance via osc. I see that the actor appears in RAM Dance Toolkit as soon as the signal is received by it - no need to create new actors. I need to flash out some stability bugs, before I can post this app here, though.
--8 -
@eight this is great news !! Looking forward
@bruper: Sorry for going dark. I was moving into a new appartment while my laptop was in the caring hands of the Apple Care. It's back to normal, and I should be able to post the app in a few days.
--8 -
@eight: thanks for the info, meantime I sent you a private message (too long to post here)
Finally, this thread becomes Isadora related. I have hacked RAMDance Toolkit so that it outputs textures into Isadora.
Download and more info is available [here](http://onewaytheater.us/eight)--8 -
Thanks for sharing this @eight.
Not really looked at RAMDance Toolkit yet. -
Am I right in thinking this is just a graphics/visual tool, no OSC output or anything?
@eight Thanx! Live Osc from Kinect (NIMate) into RAMDance would be great!
@eight, great, looking forward to test it today, thanks
@Skulpture: RAMDanceToolkit accepts OSC signals. It does not emit them.
@feinsinn: Kinect OSC to RAMDanceToolkit is to follow shortly.--8 -
@eight wow, excited
tested with a friend computer, syphon working fine thanks, well done!
may I specify @Skulpture that RAM dance sends out OSC from his original RAM-OSCServer
Works! Thanks for sharing!
Here is the download link for the CocoKinect.app.zip, which will stream OSC signal understood by RAMDanceToolkit, using either kinect or an oni recording.
Usage scenarios:-- If you launch CocoKinect for RAMDanceToolkit with kinect attached, it should just work.-- Launch CocoKinect for RAMDanceToolkit with no kinect attached: At this point you have an option to plug kinect in and hit Reset button, application should start reading from the kinect. Alternatively, drag and drop an *.oni file anywhere on the application window.-- If, at the moment CocoKinect is playing an oni file, you can connect a kinect and hit a Reset button, the app should start streaming from the camera instead of file.If you feel like minimizing the amount of graphics pushed into your graphics card (with CocoKinect, RAMDanceToolkit and Isadora running you may need to), hit the "Display" button.All dependent libraries are shipped together with the application, so that there is no expectation of any previous installs of things like libusb and/or libOpenNI etc. It was compiled against SDK 10.7.5, tested on 10.7.5 and 10.8.4.--8