Movie Player Bug 2.0.5, OSX 10.6.8, 720P footage
Please submit a bugreport, and one of use will follow up to see if we can reproduce the problem. -
this issue has not been reproduced on OSX 10.9 or 10.10 and is awaiting further testing on older versions.You will receive an update if any further information is required.Since it seems to be related to older OSX versions, I would suggest to update Quicktime or AV foundation (if available for your os version) since these will be the components most likely to have changed. -
Dear @ursullivan,
I know this is report is old, but I'm going through the forum today after having been consumed by my programming chores. I've alerted the team we need to look at this again and find out what's going on. If you have already submitted a bug report, we'll act on that. But if not, it would be great if you could submit one.Best Wishes,Mark -
@ Mark,
i did submit the report a while ago.
@mark, I found it.
Ticket #2392143 -
Sorry guys, but I have to ask. Could you reproduce this? I tried again yesterday and had the same results. I am advancing through the movies in the movieplayer, not using scenes.
Thanks for any info,
Dear @ursullivan,
I just wrote you through the ticket system. Please respond to my question and I'll try to repro the behavior.Best Wishes,Mark -
Hi All,
I just found the problem. Any movie file with a name with quotes in it would load but not play (and would not allow the next file to play either).
Removing all " " symbols from my QT names solved the problem!
Just happened that the 5th file in my list always had quotes in the name.
Sometimes the problem is totally other than what one thinks...
Thanks for your help,
Dear Eric,
Yes, I just found the same. But this is definitely a bug and needs to be fixed for the next release.Working on it right now.Best Wishes,Mark