Isadora Control Surface
Hey isadorians,
I've worked in theatre with isadora on a few shows when we had to set up in the morning and run the show in the evening. With 5 projectors in different positions in each venue getting set up really took a while, and when it comes to mapping the projectors and getting them matched up perfect each day i never felt like i had enough time to get it spot on perfect whilst also helping bolt the set together and rig speakers ( i avoid rigging lights these days)I always dreamt of a hardware control surface so i could quickly map projectors to parts of the set when the projector is at some 'whacky' angle without opening and closing 3d quad distorts and clicking about.So, I've decided to make one and after a couple of weeks I've got my arduino mega happily talking to isadora via USB with pots and buttons doing all sorts of useful things, its actually pretty straight forward.has anyone made a control surface specifically for isadora before?Also, what are others looking for in a control surface to do for them?it would be great to find out what people would want from a control surface and blend the ideas together into something real.ok, back to the breadboard.Lanz -
I use TouchOSC on an iPad (or iPhone) for exactly that!
I have a simple patch an a user actor that is saved in my global toolbox. The only problem is the latest iOS6 destroyed adhoc and now its unreliable! grrrr. It worked for a while though quite happily. So its an apple problem not isadora or OSC.Anyway- that was/is my solution. :-) -
I'm just a newbie, but last year I got Izzy to do a show in which I had the computer tucked away, and controlled everything with a Korg Nano midi controller. I had four main scenes, and each had the controls mapped for different functions. It was important for me to not have the computer visible, so I did not have a control screen to give feedback, only the performance screen. Logical layout and memorization were needed. I also decorated it with copper, brass, leather , and paint.
There is a total of 4 modes of 36 controls, plus the transport keys.Since doing this, I have had ideas rolling around in my head of making more custom controllers, so I'm interested in your arduino work. What are you doing? -
What on earth happened to that nano Kontrol?! haha.
Its either been burnt to a crisp or you've put a crazy looking metal fascia on it? -
It's a thin copper sheet, with some embossing. The foil is soldered to a square brass rod at the perimeter. Then patina. It's all glued on the surface with contact cement. The back has leather, and the brass rod makes a trim.
Wow a steam punk nano Kontrol. Awesome.
Like Skulpture, I have a patch that works with touchOSC on my iPad to do this. It's really great because one of the default control surfaces is 8 x/y controllers. What makes this patch extra good (IMHO) is that when I go from screen to screen (using one of the other touchOSC surfaces) I send the current settings to those x/y controllers (send OSC to touchOSC on port 8000 by default) and this means that they all jump to their current setting.It took some work to do this, but has saved me dozens of hours when setting up 'loopdiver'.Best Wishes,Mark