[ANSWERED] Super Titles
@jfg Thank you so much. I've been a Izzy user for SO long and I really only know how to use a tiny fraction of it. This is very, very helpful!
@jfg Hello,
thanks for the alternative tip. I have only one question Jean-François. In this case how do you deal with subtitles that are one line and then the next is 3 lines ? Since titles appear at the same hight in the projector if the title 1 (say) is just one word and the next one is on three lines How do you change the values of position and bounds in the text draw? Because hight is supposed to change, no ? Otherwise, on the one that is in just one line might be too high and the one in three lines risks being too low and then being cut.
I use Bounds width and height and vertical align bottom or center. In this example I use bottom
it is what you ask for?
Best regards,
@jfg I'm sorry to keep coming back to this but I started working on other parts of the project.
I'm experiencing a weird (to me) thing that's probably obvious to other people, but I was putting in my surtitles and I was planning on using multiple scenes so it isn't so messy.
But nothing I do get's the scenes back to cur value 1 the first time I reenter the scene. I tried enter scene value of 1 connected to cur value as well as trigger value of 1 (w/ enter scene trigger) connected to the selector number. Both of those value are set to Initialize at 1, but never do.
In this screenshot you can see that the cur value and selector both say 1, but it's showing the 5th title (the last one I played before leaving the scene and coming back).
Do you see what I'm missing?
your counter is still outputting 5 from last time round, and the selector needs an active trigger to change it.
you could either initialise the current value to zero, and enter scene trigger the add to send 1 to your selector, or give your selector 6 inputs and leave the first 1 blank, enter scene trigger to value 1, with a tiny trigger delay to trigger a value of 2 to the selector. or trigger it back to zero at the end of the scene, so that when you enter again it is ready to go. -
Hi folks, @dbini -- thank you both for your suggestions. The titles are working great now...but I wonder if you can lend another hand. I don't think I understand the logic of the selector, to be honest, and I have a little issue where my actor is jumping lines and I can't figure out a way for the operator to select a specific line. Adding a trigger value button going to the selector doesn't work. Is there an easy solution to this? Thanks so much.
Best regards, Jean-François