[FEATURE REQUEST LOGGED] Change transition times b/w any scene when in blind mode
I've been often asked during rehearsals about previous scenes, and have been loving blind mode for this reason, because I can edit and make changes without stoppage of the rehearsal.
I'm most often asked what the counts are for the previous scene transition. This is one area where I can't make edits because the transition bar is technically not part of the patching space. I understand that I can re-make it so that I'm using the jump actor for everything, but I'm curious why the choice was made to not include the transition bar as something modifiable while in blind mode. Is it simply that it could be in the midst of a transition? I'd prefer then to have it non-responsive at that point but then editable afterwards.
Its not a big deal, I'm essentially killing time now before the show begins..
We've already received this and logged it as a feature request, but I will add this post to the feature request.
Best wishes,