[ANSWERED] help detecting midi in messages from I-CubeX WiDig
Hi, i can detect midi in messages from a midi controller using the Control Watcher actor can't detect midi in messages from the I-CubeX WiDig
I've have Midi Setup configured with both Port 1 Input and Output Ports set to the WiDig and can send midi out to the WiDig using the Send Raw Midi actor
And Midi Monitor is detecting midi in messages from the WiDig as Note Off, Ch 1, Pitch 0, with varying velocity (80 00 00-127)
Perhaps the Control Watcher actor is the wrong actor to detect this type of input (even with port = 1-16, channel = 1-16, controller = 0-127, value = 0-127)?
Thanks in advance, Mr J
i think there is a note off watcher!?
you could try my MidiLearn actor https://troikatronix.com/plugi...
It listens to note and control messages.Best Michel
I haven't been experimenting with the cube for a while, but I remember that cube comes with a program that transforms the cube signals to midi and to Oscar (I prefer osc) If you launch it you can see and filter effectively the data and then send them to Isadora in localhost. The CEO of Icume is a friend here in Montreal. I'll ask him to step in and maybe answer to the information request.
cheers @deflost the Note Off Watcher actor does the trick
rgds, Mr J