3DS files windows 11 not showing up
So back in the day I had no issues working with 3DS files on mac but now on windows 11 my 3ds files arent showing up at all. anyone know what i may be doing wrong? including a screen shot and the 3ds files in question.. thanks
3ds file
This is the most important thing I need to get working to get my creations working since i cant use the old QC actors anymore. If anyone can help it would really appreciate it.
Did you have image files along side your 3ds files providing the textures?
They will need to be linked to the 3ds file as the texture, and will need to be named in a 8.3 format, eg: texture.jpg -
@demetri79 This may help:
@bonemap here is my cube 3d model and texture.. maybe the issue is the texture isnt a jpeg?
seems like my files are not uploading.. i keep tying to attach them to my replys by doent seem to be working... i uploaded them to the orig post also.. i select "add file" then select the file.. it seems to upload but then the post shows the title i give the file but no link to download them?
Zip the files up and upload the Zip file. That will work. -
@demetri79 I think it might be because the mesh is triangulated. I *think* it needs to be quads. It's also got a very strange UV map. See pics.1.png2.png
@skulpture this should work now. But UV was a very quick hot fix. 3ds-file-and-texture.zip
This works..Dude amazing.. thanks so much.. i owe you bigtime!.. if you ever need help with audio im your dude.
@demetri79 welcome. Happy to help.
@demetri79 don't forget the UVs need reworking though. Blender can do this. Mesaage me if you need help with it.