Welcome @Ran!
@Luka, 95%
@Maxime and possible @feinsinn.
That counts possibly eight with myself - not too much for an 'Isadora User Meeting Berlin' in a 12 x 12m rehearsal room...
About the equipment: I now can confirm that we will have access to a Panasonic PT-DX100 with a fixed wide angel lens and two Sanyo PDG-DET100 with F=1,6-1,9\. There is a screen in the room (4,5m wide) and 3 walls, although not perfectly even, are white. So
@Ran we will have enough to project with and onto, but feel free to bring your equipment.
I would prefer that everyone brings some small stuff, like cameras and sensors, so we have some peripherals to play with. As no one, beside m_theater, has made suggestions for the agenda, I guess this will be the one for the first meeting: meet up, play around, have fun. Maybe we'll find something more sophisticated for the second...
For our well-being I will provide coffee, drinks, snacks and plan to get some 'real' food around 19:30 from these guys; http://suppen-cult.de
Any vegetarians so far? Send me a PM.
Two weeks to go,
Looking forward,