[ANSWERED] ...use Bare Conductive?
Hi nicest people:)
I am sitting with a bare conductive touch board in my hand and I am trying to figure out how to use it with Isadora. Apparently I should be able to find a demo-file called bareCoductiveDemo.izz at GitHub, but I am unable to find it - it seems like it has been deleted. Does anyone know how to get the information into Isadora and use it? I am intending to use it for visuals and light-controll. This would be very helpful:)All the best
The easiest way is to use them as a MIDI device. https://www.bareconductive.com...
You need to load on the MIDI_Piano project. Then in Isadora select the board in the MIDI set up window.
I suggest you use MIDI, try following this tutorial. It's for Garageband. But if it turns up in Garageband as a midi interface, it will turn up in Isadora as well.
Thank you:) Ill try that tomorrow:)