@woland said:
If you ever end up documenting your discoveries online in the form of a tutorial or their results in the form of a showcase, let us know and we'll happily signal-boost it on our socials :)
I am afraid that the python work is exciting to me but a bit on the boring side:
I am migrating 20 years worth of studio archives on LTO5 and HDD. I had been using Tolis BRU for the LTO archives which is now, of course, out of business. I've upgraded to LTO8 and don't ever want use a proprietary system again so I moving to completely open standards for the tape archives - Python, Linux, CSV, SQLite and GNU PAX TAR. (LTFS has show stopping limitations for me)
I am finding it a really rewarding project - I'm getting a better understanding of modular multi-layer development in python and have really been excited about what you can accomplish with Github Copilot. It's a bit buggy, but it is so much better than copy/paste/repeat from an LLM. You can really refine the context, have it asses your modules and codebase when building and refactoring etc. Up to this point, I've spent most of my time planning, building GUI drafts and developing the architecture to make things super clear for me and for co-pilot.
The crossover with Isadora is learning more about python and about programming concepts in general. I have done lots of bits of Javascript for AfterEffects/Isadora and Python for Resolve and Blender on my own and using Claude and GPT. I can't wait to use VS Code and Copilot to continue that work - there is so much less back and forth when the context is clarified. I am also excited to work with the Pythoner actor, too.