@juriaan said:
why aren't you using Artnet
We did have a discussion about using Artnet, but as it turns out we are sending the rgb values of the first and last led of each strand to the nodeMCU (9 led strands x 2). The code on the nodeMCU then produces an interpolation across the rest of the leds in each strand. So there is an efficiency with only providing parameters for 18 leds (they are linked to audio frequency analysis). Each strand is 9 led long and they have been wired to produce 9 x strands each 900mm long that will be sewn into a dancers layered tulle costume.
When we tested the OSC multi transmit starting with 54 values everything was working fine except for the missing values. We tried sending less in increments and it appeared that 49 was our maximum.
We have another set of wearable controllers that send accelerometer data back to Isadora also using OSC.
Best wishes