There are a lot of options for this. Do you want to play audio files or trigger text on the phones?
I have done some shows with audience phones and there are a few things I have found. I tried to do this from a local server (a computer on the theater) it was easier setup wise, but required the audience to be on the wifi I took with me. This has issues that can be annoying - if the wifi internet is much slower than the phones 4/5g most iPhones with switch internet to the SIM card and this can mess with access, it is also tough to to get so many phones on a portable network.
Hosting a site remotely requires a bit more work but then you can use https (so browsers won’t complain) and it also means the audience use their own internet. If there is a large audience and you are triggering audio files then you need a fast server, if a lot of people load the site at once then all the audio needs to be downloaded from your server to all the phones. If it is text it is a lot easier.
With a very basic site design you can communicate from some control system via http post or web sockets. Either choice will let you tell the client browsers to play a specific audio file or to display a different piece of text. With an http post request you can do this directly from isadora. If this is text you can even send the text to be triggered from Isadora so it’s a system you can always alter easily.
chagpt can write pretty much all the code for the site very easily. Make web server with nodejs that has the functionality (test locally with isadora), use GitHub for the code so you can update it easily on your server) Rent a VPS (Vultr of Hetzner are good but there is a lot of choices). Transfer your nodejs code and Client JavaScript to the server and make it run with PM2. Get a domain, setup the dns so your domain pints to the server. Setup SSL (generate a certificate and copy it to your vps) and expose the site with NGinx. Test and repair a bit! Then give out the QR code as needed and use the http post request from isadora to trigger whatever you want on time during the show. The latency should be quite low.
There are tons of instructions online for this whole setup. If you are not keen on doing it yourself it shouldn’t be a big job. You can approach your local coder (or dm me?) and it should not cost much to do.