Hi all, thanks for the great input.
Just tried Jiggler on Yosemite and works perfectly... I think I will try get the people in Venice to install it as it may also take care of an issue where the mouse pointer sometimes showed up & disappeared when moving the mouse. Thanks
Thanks also for the Caffeine link
Initially I added a loop at the end of my startup script which sends a keypress on the "y" key every few minutes. This worked fine when I tested at home, but ended up making shutdown complicated on the other side as Izzy would not quit while the script was running (odd).
In stead I then added some lines (not my own) to the script that would disable all power saving and screen savers at startup (own user name and password in quotes of course):
-- disable screensaver, displaysleep and sleep times
do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults -currentHost write com.apple.screensaver idleTime -int 0"
do shell script "pmset -a displaysleep 0" user name "username" password "password" with administrator privileges
do shell script "pmset -a sleep 0" with administrator privileges
Thanks again for all the feedback!