@jjhp3 as a fast hint for QLC+ make your fixtures (groups are great here for expanding shows in larger spaces), make scenes from fixtures. The trick to make it work easily with Isadora is creating setups in the virtual console. Most simply let's say you have 10 scenes, add a 5x2 button matrix to the virtual console. When you make the matrix you will get an option to set the buttons as exclusive or not (this stumped me for ages, if they are not exclusive you will just trigger scenes on top of each other, so I like exclusive when connecting to Isadora). Assign a function to each of the buttons (double click in design mode I think), give each button one of your scenes.
For midi or osc you need to enable them in the input/output tab, once this is done you can use the midi learn function in QLC. Send midi or osc (as we are not sending levels just triggering scenes and I'm assuming we are using qlc and isadora on the same computer midi is fine). Use the midi learn from each button in the matrix to learn a new midi note from isadora. Now you should be able to trigger the scene from Isadora. The scenes could also be chasers or more wild effects and by using multiple button matrices things can get more interesting. Of course you can use faders in the qlc virtual console to get scene level access from Isadora as well.
QLC+ will also work with artnet very easily, as well as almost any cheap USB DMX module.
As @DusX mentioned Isadora can do lighting directly, and I am also not a fan of running multiple softwares on one computer. The jump for me was that qlc can run perfectly on a raspberry pi, and there is a dial image you can download (the author asks for a donation for access to this). It has autorun and a web portal access so you don't even need a screen. It is pretty reliable once you get the swing of it and it is pretty much a very cheap lighting console.