Hi, I'm managing to map values from my data to the co-ordinates, this is a brilliant app in general and the point cloud looks fluid and smooth.
In the meantime I'm testing it using the potted text file.
The data stream I need to access has a hole punch every five seconds that it needs to be sent a password
I am looking at using a 'TCP Send Data' Actor hooked up to a Timed Trigger Actor to access the actual stream.
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("CONNECTION_REQUEST|" + serverPassword);
udpClient.Send(bytes, bytes.Length, remoteEP);
string linkServerIP = "";
int linkServerPort = 12000, localClientPort = 13000;
while (communicateWithServer) { // Send a hole punching message every 5 secs with password
udpReassembler.sendTokenToServer(linkServer, serverPassword);