Dear @bonemap and All,
Thank you for your patience while awaiting my response to this thread. I am always juggling priorities, trying to ensure a good balance between solving urgent bugs, making sure things like the High Sierra release doesn't cause serious problems for the entire user base, and adding new features you all want. In that long list of priorities, the I'm afraid the SDK is nearer to the bottom of the list because – historically – it hasn't been utilized by so many. Of course that's not optimum if the SDK is really important to you, but necessary as I attempt to serve the greatest number of users.
The thing that held me back up is Isadora's reliance on QuickTime. We have an internal build of Isadora for Windows that does not use QuickTime at all. But this version is missing some features to replace those lost when divorcing it from QuickTime. I was putting off the SDK hoping that I could release it when this new version was ready, but it's going to take a bit more time before that milestone is reached. (For those of you who don't know, fifteen years ago I used QuickTime as a way to make a cross platform version of Isadora. That may have been clever at the time, but seems less so now, because removing it now is requires widespread, deep changes to the entire program.)
That said, @bonemap's comments here and a recent message sent via the ticket system has prompted me to get something out there. I am going to get the SDK to him first so he can use it for his project and offer any bug reports/feedback. We'll get it up on github as soon as we can so that everyone can access it.
Best Wishes,