I sent you a message on the forum messaging system asking a question. Depending on what your answer is, I may be able to get your students up and running again right away.
I really appreciate the perspective for longer form media
It's not just for longer form media though. If I had your six-frame video and I wanted to loop it for 5 minutes, I'd make a 10-minute long movie file in editing software that's just those six frames over and over. If you never get to the end of the file because you make the file longer than the duration for which you need it to loop, you don't need to worry about anything to do with seamless looping nor what happens at the very end of the video file.
@woland Ah thanks both - range makes sense! Constraining the output range on the Program Change Watcher fixes it, as does your suggestion of an Absolute Value actor in between.
I have the same problem as @craigalfredson. If my MacBookPro M1 is between the two external screen, it works well. If I put the two external screen together on the right or on the left side of the MacBookPro I get in fullscreen mode the picture only on the first screen.
The first screen is connected with an adaptor. The second screen direct with the HDMI output of the computer.
Mark… In that this seems to be a very regularly requested option for Izzy, is there anyway that for future updates, this could be a regular part of the media player to have time as one of the output selections?
I use this very regularly with my work, and this would be a great update inclusion.
I did manage today to send OSC from my Android phone to both my iPad and my MacBook (and Isadora). Only I don't seem to get OSC out of my iPad. So the problem seems somehow to reside there..
Your description seems to differ a little from what I'm seeing here..
Wow I can't believe I didn't think to change the bitrate in my formatting, thank you for this suggestion! I'm converting it now and then hopefully I can have a go at changing the parameters I wish to change. I might be back to ask some more bits regarding when it comes to parameters to change but this is a great help and thank you again so much.
Honestly, if I got to 99 Snapshots in a Scene, I'd just duplicate the Scene, clear all Snapshots, and start from Snapshot 1 again. If you're baking the number of the snapshot into a video file you're capturing, you can easily use the Get Scene Name actor with a Text Formatter actor to add the Scene name and the Snapshot number to the video title.
when i enabled a specific audio device to a specific channel, it does not show up as selectable on any of the other channels, whether it's enabled or disabled... which now makes complete sense
You have no idea how many times I've also done this 😅
Thanks. I think I found the problem. I was converting a number to hex before inputing it to the text formatter expecting it to format the hex number. Instead I should be using the formatter actor to both convert to hex and format it. I was confused by the help note below that says "P1:nX - print n hexidecimal digits" - not mentioning that it also converts numbers to hex.
Place an instance of the 3d Player with the corresponding stage, model and texture map assignment in the scene you are cross fading from. This will effectively preload the texture and avoid the glitch. The 3D Player content is hidden in the initial scene but still loaded. It works in the modified patch attached because the 3D Player is assigned to a virtual stage that is not active until the scene cross fade is initiated.
You can alternatively, program the cross fade in the same scene - this will also avoid the glitch.