I allready suspected, you would go there. But I wonder what you actually need to change here? The resolution and aspect is defined by the systems OS display settings. The only thing you might have to change in the stage setup settings, might be the selection of the right display. As far as I know, there is no other possibility beside GUI and mouse. But in general, if you allways use the same physical output, you most times don't need to change this manualy. The resolution here, will be changed automaticaly, matching the resolution set in the systems OS display settings.
If the aspect doesn't change, Isadora will then allways scale to the full physical output. No need for other changes.
But things get complicated, if content and output aspect doesn't match.
See this not to old thread about it.
It shows the same issue, from the other End.
@Woland made a nice patch, which shows how scaling in isadora works and which options you have.